Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Last Call

FOX News:  still the propaganda arm of the GOP.

The "real" unemployment rate doubled under the black guy!  IMPEACH!  IMPEEEEEE...wait, they're comparing the actual unemployment rate (U-3) to the underemployment rate (U-6) and lying that they are both the same thing.

Sure.  Because that's what FOX does.  They lie to attack the Democrats, because they are the cable channel for the Republican Party.  Nobody who regularly believes FOX is going to check the stats, you know.

The 7.8 percent figure is the official unemployment rate from January 2009. This statistic reports on people who are unemployed and actively looking for a job. But as of the latest report, the official unemployment rate is 8.1 percent (0.3 percent higher than it was in January 2009), not 14.7 percent.

The 14.7 percent figure is a completely different measurement of the unemployed, which in addition to those who are actively looking for work, also counts people who are unemployed and discouraged from looking for a new job, part-time workers who prefer full-time employment, and more. This alternative measure of unemployment, which conservatives often call the "real" unemployment rate, was 14.2 percent in January 2009 -- 0.5 percentage points lower than it is today.

So yes, they are dirty liars.  I've talked about the U-6 number before, and it's gone *down* under Obama.  But FOX isn't a news channel, it's a party platform channel.  See?

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