Saturday, September 15, 2012

Last Call

But gosh, isn't President Obama supposed to be losing the Jewish vote because he's not loyal enough to Israel?  Could have fooled actual Jewish voters, it seems.

President Barack Obama is extending his lead with Jewish voters, leading among registered voters 70-25 percent according to unreleased Gallup daily tracking poll data .

The data, obtained through a Democratic source, shows Obama up from leading 64-29 in polling this spring — and on par with his 2008 performance at this point when he led 69-25 over John McCain in Gallup polling. The data is drawn from tracking polls taken between July 1 and September 10th.

Despite a heated debate on Israel, most Jewish voters are Democrats and align closely with the Democratic Party on domestic issues from abortion to taxes and spending, and Republicans have tried without success for years to pry the group away from the Democratic Party. The Israel debate, meanwhile, often aims at a broad national audience that sees Israel as an ally, rather than specifically at American Jews.

Every election cycle, Republicans say "This is the year when American Jews turn on the Democrats and vote Republican."  Just like they say women, African-Americans, and Latino voters are going to do.  It'll happen any time now, I'm sure.

Any time now...

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