Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Thirteen Words, Possible Fewer IQ Points

In his quixotic quest to somehow assure that President Obama goes down in history as Worse Than Bush And Worst Ever, John Hinderaker over at Power Line decides that Obama's SOTU comments on climate change are even more of a lie than Bush's SOTU comments a decade ago on Saddam Hussein's WMD.

Yep, apparently climate change is worse than the Iraq War.

Remember George W. Bush’s famous “16 words”? They came from Bush’s 2003 State of the Union speech, where Bush said: “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” That was a true statement, but it caused immense controversy, for reasons that are now hard to remember.

Sure, hard to remember.  Like the faces of the thousands of US troops and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis that resulted from us going over there to stop those non-existent piles of phantom WMDs that never existed.  Oh well, why would that ever be considered controversial?

Fast forward to 2013, and President Obama’s State of the Union, where he said, talking about global warming: “Heat waves, droughts, wildfires, and floods – all are now more frequent and intense.” 

It's false, Hinderaker says, because the DUST BOWL, LIBTARDS and NYC had hurricanes in the 19th century!

No, that's his entire argument.  Convinced he's won, he plows on through the stars...

What are the chances that Obama’s false 13 words will become as controversial as Bush’s true 16 words? Slim and none, obviously. Of course, there were so many other untrue statements in Obama’s SOTU that it is understandable that the 13 words on global warming got lost in the shuffle.

What are the chances that this guy has a working soul?  Zero.

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