Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ashley, Alison, And The Turtle, Part 7

The Progress Kentucky implosion story continues to be completely awesome, and by "completely awesome" I mean the more information I find out, the more it looks like this couldn't have been a better operation to assure McConnell's re-election than if McConnell was behind all of it.  Today we've got more goodies from Page One Kentucky on the state Democratic party official who gave up Shawn Reilly and Curtis Morrison:  meet Jacob Conway.

Something tells me you’ll want to read this backgrounder on Jacob Conway, the guy who fingered Progress Kentucky SuperPAC folks Shawn Reilly and Curtis Morrison for responsibility of recording Mitch McConnell’s secret strategy session (Part 1 & Part 2). It’s only fitting that Conway’s history get a quick examination.

It’s a disjointed tale involving bench warrants, an Attorney General appointing a Special Prosecutor and claims of mental illness from Conway’s own attorney. Along with a little something involving a prominent gay Republican leader in Washington, D.C. and a well-known Republican-turned-Democrat in Frankfort.

It get weird, and involves a side job with the Log Cabin Republicans (Jacob wasn't always a Democrat, you see), a fake political claim of being a teacher,  $3,000 turning up mysteriously missing from a safe, and Conway's own attorney basically agreeing that the guy is nuts.  Read the whole thing.

Did I mention Conway (left) and Reilly (white tux) know each other pretty well?   No?

This entire story is starting to smell like month-old halibut, folks.  There's a lot more to this than just a recording of a meeting passed to David Corn.  The why, the how, the players, all of it?  This is a symphony of crazy, and we've just gotten to the opening stanzas.

1 comment:

  1. I've been saying all along that Mother Jones got punked.
