Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Say What You Really Mean, Steve Rose

I count use of the word "arrogance" or "arrogant" six times including the title of this piece on President Obama's "scandals" by Kansas City Star columnist Steve Rose this weekend.  It's no accident, Rose's pining for the Clinton presidency again, he's backed Hillary over Obama at every turn and basically his hatred of the guy has blown up into a full meltdown.

Barack Obama just had his worst week in a deeply flawed presidency.

It’s not as bad as Jimmy Carter’s presidency, but it’s still one that can make even the most right-wing conservative long for Democrat Bill Clinton.

What Barack Obama has lacked from the beginning is humility, and what he has displayed consistently is arrogance.

He could have nipped the Benghazi fiasco in the bud, but Obama apparently decided that since only Fox News was beating the drums for the truth, he could finesse the ugly matter. Instead of coming clean from the get-go, that this was an act of terrorism, Obama stone-walled. Now, he has a bonafide scandal on his hands.

This guy is supposedly a left-of-center moderate, but here he's buying into the FOX narrative 100%.  It's a dead giveaway which side he's really on when he saves his most vicious hatred for Obamacare:

It was obvious almost from day one, when Obama rammed through Obamacare — a 2,000-page law with now 20,000 pages of regulations — that he would ignore anyone who disagreed with him, whether non-partisan experts or partisan critics. Only he knew the truth, and everyone else was either on board or misguided.

Already, we are starting to see the predictably bloated effects. Take a few examples: St Luke’s Health System and Liberty Hospital have already announced they are laying off hundreds of employees as a result of Obamacare. And that is just the beginning of the bad news.

Just getting an appointment with your doctor is bound to become more challenging when Obamacare takes full effect in 2014, and, meanwhile, the cost of health care will skyrocket, not decline, as Obama predicted.

Had Bill Clinton been president (never mind his total lack of character) and succeeded in passing “Hillarycare,” we might have had broad-based health care reform but never would have ended up with the Obamacare monster. I’ll bet it even makes Bill shiver a little in private.

Yeah, no "liberal" buys the FOX narrative on Benghazi, calls Barack Obama arrogant a half a dozen times, and wishes for the Clintons back in power without a serious problem with the nation's first black President.  Replace "arrogant" with "uppity" and everything becomes crystal clear:  how dare one of them does this?

Go to hell, Steve.  That's code for "go to hell".

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