Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The I-Word Is Coming

Those of us who lived through Clinton's second term know what's coming in Obama's second term, the only question is when House Republicans pull the impeachment lever and what excuse they'll use.  Perhaps it will be Dow 15,000, because that's impeachable, right?

[Monday] the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 15,056, an all-time record. For one conservative group, this can only mean one thing: it’s time to impeach President Obama.

That was the message Capitol Hill Daily, a conservative publication based out of Baltimore, sent to Citizen United’s listserv today. They accused President Obama of “wreck[ing] the stock market” and asked readers to take a poll about whether he should be impeached as a result.

It doesn't matter.  Obama Derangement is a full blown secotr of the economy now, if anything.  But at some point House Republicans will have to take a vote on impeachment, or the rabid tea party monster they've unleashed will turn on them instead.  That day of reckoning is coming soon...

 They'll find a reason.  If they can't find it, they'll manufacture it. 

Count on it.

1 comment:

  1. My question is will it help us if they do it just before the 2014 elections?
