Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wasting Everybody's Time

Joe Kline wants to know why Republicans are wasting valuable time and resources on Benghazi...

Could it have been the Republicans who consistently voted against funds for increased embassy security? Hmmm…that makes their current carping seem awfully political, doesn’t it? Again, sins of politics are not mortal. But one does wonder why the Republicans tend to fix on issues like this, which are defined by their absence of substance. (I haven’t noticed the Republicans clamoring to spend more on embassy security–which would be a matter of substance, happily embraced by the Administration.But that would require a budget deal, which would give the President a win.)

...when everybody knows Republicans should really be spending time on the most important issue of the day:  purging the country of those undesirable Poors and Oldsters.

The sad thing here is that the Republicans are right, in part, about government spending. It is wasteful. There are far more efficient ways to do Medicare that would produce a better health care system for the elderly. Social Security disability is slouching toward scamdom. The Veterans Administration is a 19th century bureaucratic disaster. Unemployment benefits and food stamps should require some sort of return service from recipients. The list goes on…But rather than address the substance of those problems–problems that Democrats don’t seem very interested in solving–they obsess on the stupid: fixing on more-or-less budget debates, federal dictatorship fantasies and meaningless political ploys like Benghazi.

Joke Line doesn't say what those "more efficient" ways are, but I'm betting you'll find then in the annual Paul Ryan Austerity Budget.  Because after all, the most important thing imaginable right now is kicking anyone within two paychecks of homelessness square in the genitalia so that overpaid Village idiots can sleep better at night.


1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's a problem with the data. Check out this article on the 'gap' in our unemployment data.
