Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ghost In The (Campaign) Machine

Mitch McConnell, call your office.  You've got a ghost problem.

Officials with a Kentucky super PAC supporting Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) blame a computer error for a $100,000 contribution that appeared more than a month after the donor died. Meanwhile, the Libertarian Party filed a federal lawsuit to lift limits on posthumous donations.

“This is pure free speech,” an attorney for the Libertarian party, Alan Gura told USA Today. “A dead person can’t corrupt someone.”

Oh this is just too much.

The donation was initially filed with the Federal Election Commission with a June 3 date, only Perry actually died on April 13. The group’s treasurer, Caleb Crosby, told the Louisville Courier-Journal on July 31 that the check for Perry’s contribution was actually received on April 12, and was subsequently corrected with federal officials.

But the donation was quickly questioned by an advisor for Alison Lundergan Grimes, McConnell’s Democratic challenger in his re-election bid.

This raises a lot of questions that Kentucky voters deserve answers to,” Jonathan Hurst told the Courier-Journal. “The report appears to be as dishonest as their television ads.”

No kidding. Voting when you're dead, well that requires billions of dollars in new regulations and hoops for voters to jump through.  Regulating dead people donating money to Republican SuperPACs on the other hand, well why do you hate free speech, commie?

Who ya gonna call, Mitch?


  1. Libertarians/baggers any questions

  2. Someone should check the probate court records - I don't necessarily have a problem with someone leaving a large donation to a political entity in their will, or specifying that (instead of flowers) donations should be made to the deceased's favorite PAC. However, why did it take so long to record this donation - and how many other donations are reported (or not) in this sloppy manner?

    Plus, was the donation, perhaps, really made by somebody else? Will the Walking Dead be invited to the next Republican Eagle donors get-together?

  3. Libertarians and Tea Partiers are be safe from zombies for the same reason that the zombies didn't attack Homer Simpson.
