Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dear America

I am intellectually incapable of coming up with a plausible scenario in which one good thinking American approves of Barack Obama's job performance, much less 47% of us. I will therefore make a grand conjecture about if these evil, worhtless wayward souls are merely pitiful wretches on federal welfare, if they are simple morons, if they are brainwashed by the evil liberal media, if they are anti-white racists, or what is most likely, a combination of the above factors.

--John Hinderaker, Power Line

Bonus Verbatim Stupid:

I think that all of the above explanations account for some of the 47%. When the federal government spends $3.8 trillion a year, it can buy a lot of votes. Remember that every one of those 3.8 trillion dollars represents a check that someone cashed. Beyond that, I have written many times about the over-the-top emails with which the Democratic Party bombards its members, painting Republicans as, more or less, the Devil. Repetition is persuasive, and many millions of Democrats will probably say they approve of any Democratic president, regardless of how he performs. (The same, for better or worse, is not true of Republican voters.) And there is no doubt that a huge number of voters are astonishingly ignorant about the issues. This is demonstrated by every man in the street interview on YouTube. 

Ahh, if all of us would only watch FOX News and would learn the truth, Obama would have an approval rating of 0%.   On the other hand, the category of those people has now been expanded to include "anyone who thinks President Obama is doing a good job."

The GOP will have to make sure they get punished.


  1. So, Mr. Hinderaker thinks that the defense contractors and the big farm corporations slurping up all those sweet, sweet government checks made them into Democrats?

    I'd also suggest that if Mr. Hinderaker does not wish to be taken for a devil worshipper, he might want to consider revising his glorification of such deadly sins as avarice (encouraged by deregulation), gluttony, wrath, and pride.

  2. What RepubAnon said.

    Really, sometimes "conservatives" deserve their reputation of stupidity.
