Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Last Call For The Dumbest Thing On The Ballot Today

Sorry, Katy, Texas.  You guys need a $69 million high school football stadium about as much as I need pap smears.

Voters in the Houston suburb of Katy will decide Tuesday whether to approve a bond package that includes $69.5 million for a new, 14,000-seat football stadium.

The stadium would serve Katy's powerhouse program, but district officials also say they could attract playoff games and other events. It's on the ballot one year after the Dallas suburb of Allen opened a $60 million stadium with 18,000 seats and dozens of concession stands.

The $99 million in bonds would also pay for a $25 million expansion of an agricultural sciences center and $4.5 million for a science and technology center.

Oh good.  That's nice.  Hey listen, you guys realize Texas has cut public education spending by about 25% since 2009, right?  I mean hell, why would we want to spend all $99 million on education instead of competitive concussion development?

But here's the best part:

Some local tea party members oppose the bond package, saying the district shouldn't take on more debt.

Why do tea party Republicans hate Texas high school football?

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/11/05/3732370/houston-suburb-to-vote-on-69m.html#storylink=cpy

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