Sunday, November 3, 2013

Last Call For The Evolution Of A Honey Boo Boo

Richard Dawkins has evolved into a self-parody, apparently.

World famous English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and unrelenting critic of religion and the religious, Richard Dawkins, has turned his anger on airport security rules after he had a jar of honey confiscated. 
Dawkins, who is no stranger to Twitter controversy following alleged anti-Muslim comments he made back in August, declared on the micro-blogging site that ‘Bin Laden has won, in airports of the world every day’after security took away his jar of honey
The outspoken atheist, who came to prominence with his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, criticised what he called ‘dundridges’ - his word for petty jobsworths - and described the confiscation of his honey as a 'STUPID waste.'

Honey.  A jar of freaking honey, and this guy goes bugnuts.  Somehow, I'm glad to be reminded that not everyone in the atheist/agnostic/nondeist camp has their head straight on either.


  1. Just what sort of honey was this, and why was it in his carry-on luggage?

    I'm thinking that the one good thing about the sillier airport security rules it that they force the entitled class to go through the same silliness as the rest of us. (Except, of course, for those traveling via private jet). Yes, the porno-scanners and the shedding of the shoes are silly, as is the rule about liquids (I expect someone drinking a liquid explosive component would show immediate symptoms.) However, throwing a hissy fit about it at this late stage seems more petulant than principled.

    On a side note: the Muslim world was renowned for its centers of learning in the Middle Ages. Then, a bunch of religious fanatics decided that these universities were centers of heresy, and only the one true book - the holy book - should be taught. The religious fanatics eventually succeeded in their goal of ending the teaching of science in these once-great universities, which never really recovered.

    The KK-Kristians are following this playbook today, notably in Texas. We'll see how successful they are at destroying our schools and universities.

  2. Unfortunately, Dawkins crossed that river a looooong time ago.

    A couple of decades ago he was a promising young scientist and the author of a couple of intriguing books, all within his area of expertise.

    The fame went to his head and he recreated himself as a tiresome anti-christian bigot. Sad, really, but an all too common story.

  3. "We'll see how successful they are at destroying our schools and universities."

    Possibly very successful indeed, as they are just one of many things destroying our schools and universities.

  4. Josh Barro totally destroys this chart here. The "losers" from Obamacare being only 3% is as much bullshit as Roy's "93 million losing their health coverage."

    Roy is clearly a liar, but so are you Zandar. The Obama administration seems to have a major problem with liars as of late.

    Tell the truth about the problems with Obamacare. Your readers are smarter than that.

  5. Well, I suppose this dumbfuckery is a break from his sexist, racist, dumbfuckery. Unfortunately, he's still a priviliged douchebag.
