Sunday, March 2, 2014

Back-Seat Presidentin'

Not to be outdone by Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. Dick Durbin are DEMANDING that President Obama DO SOMETHING DAMMIT about Vladimir Putin.

Graham, who sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said there needs to be more than threats coming from the White House, and called President Barack Obama “weak and indecisive” on matters of foreign policy.

"No. 1, stop going on television and trying to threaten thugs and dictators - it is not your strong suit. Every time the President goes on national television and threatens Putin or someone like Putin, everybody’s eyes roll, including mine,” Graham said.

This from the guy who went on national television to threaten someone who he believes is like Putin.  That motion you're feeling in your face is your eyes rolling, reflexively.  Durbin on the other hand is scarcely better:

The Illinois Democrat said that Russia's "charm offensive," dumping billions of dollars into the 2014 Winter Olympics held in Sochi, has done little to redefine the nation's image among Western nations.

"That Sochi charm offensive died on the streets of Sevastopol (Ukraine) when he moved in thousands of troops days after the closing ceremony. He is trying to have it both ways," Durbin said. "We've got to make him feel like there is a price to pay for this kind of conduct."

Which is what the President said, so how about working with him and making that happen, gentlemen?

PS, Huckleberry Graham should really stop making insipid threats like this:

"I would like to create a democratic noose around Putin's Russia," Graham said.

Thanks for demonstrating so clearly why you're not even remotely qualified to be President there Huckleberry!

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