Monday, April 21, 2014

Nino's Still Nuts

Say what you will about the Tea Party and austerity-pushing creeps like Paul Ryan or demagogues like Ted Cruz, the most dangerous guy in DC is Justice Antonin Scalia.

During a Tuesday speech at the University of Tennessee College of Law, Scalia said that the government has a right to impose the income tax, “but if it reaches a certain point, perhaps you should revolt.”

"You're entitled to criticize the government, and you can use words, you can use symbols, you can use telegraph, you can use Morse code, you can burn a flag," he told the students.

Despite Americans paying the lowest amount in taxes in decades.

Scalia also said that he and other justices do not let politics influence their decisions, and that he believes that the U.S. Constitution is a fixed law.

"The Constitution is not a living organism for Pete’s sake,” he said. "It's a law. It means what it meant when it was adopted."

When the Constitution was adopted, slavery was legal and women couldn't vote.  It took nearly a hundred years and a bloody civil war to change the first and 150 years and more blood to change the second, so see, change is bad!

And this man sits on the US Supreme Court.

And there are three, if not four other men like him.

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