Sunday, July 13, 2014

Last Call For What Domestic Terrorism Problem, Part A Lot

Sharing a photo on her Facebook page of President Obama’s recent visit to Texas, the founder of the Moms With Guns website commented on the photo, stating: “Where is an assasin (sic) when you need one?”

The post has since been taken down and the Moms With Guns Facebook account has been closed by founder Kathy Perkins, but not before Liberaland was able to save a screen capture, seen below.

One commenter, Todd Thozeski of Seven Hills, Ohio, commented on her Facebook share, “Duh,’ while Liberaland noted another wrote, “I know…I’m amazed it hasn’t happened yet.”

There's no conceivable, possible reason to believe that any of the people advocating for open carry firearms rights are in any way a threat or danger to anyone, because why do you hate MURICA and FREEDOM and EAGLE, stupid libtard?

Added below, she asserts, “We Will NO LONGER Tolerate Your Tyrannical Abuse!” possibly in reference with to Thomas Jefferson’s advice that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”

No reason at all to ever confuse this with a call to armed revolution, nope nope nope.

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