Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Obama-Scare Tactics

As part of the Trump regime's push to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the White House has been pushing the notion that millions of Americans are "victims of Obamacare" and that it's somehow a moral imperative to rescue these "victims" from the evil Democrats.  Indeed, several state GOP parties are joining in this parade of apparent bureaucratic brutality, including VP Mike Pence's home state of Indiana.

Only one problem: when asked what "horror stories" these "victims of Obamacare" had to share, they instead told the Indiana GOP how much the Affordable Care Act had improved their lives.

The Indiana Republican Party posed a question to Facebook on Monday: "What's your Obamacare horror story? Let us know." 
The responses were unexpected. 
"My sister finally has access to affordable quality care and treatment for her diabetes."

"My father's small business was able to insure its employees for the first time ever. #thanksObama"

"Love Obamacare!"

"The only horror in the story is that Republicans might take it away."


By 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, the Indiana GOP's post collected more than 1,500 comments, the vast majority in support of Obamacare. 
Within hours, Facebook users and pages, including county Democratic party pages and the popular Periods for Politicians/Periods for Pence page, shared the post to encourage their networks to comment in support of Obamacare, too.

And so it goes.  Remember, as Indiana's governor, Mike Pence signed on to Medicaid expansion. Yes, Indiana's hybrid Medicaid mess has a lot of caveats and hoops to jump through being touted as "skin in the game" and "personal responsibility" but people are getting coverage.

Remember, the GOP Senate bill would not only reverse Medicaid expansion, it would give states the option to opt out of Medicaid coverage altogether and take the money as a block grant instead that doesn't have to be spent on Medicaid at all.  And once a state waives its Medicaid program under the GOP Senate bill, it's permanent and cannot be changed.

This is what Republicans have been wanting for decades, and they're going to get it unless enough Americans start sharing stories of Obamacare's success like Indiana voters are doing.

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