Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The GOP's Race To The Bottom, Con't

When I say Republicans are the party of white supremacists, don't just take my word for it, it's the actual white supremacists happily admitting that's exactly what the goal is.

Patrick Casey blended in easily with the buttoned-up crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference held outside Washington D.C. earlier this year.

His boyish face was clean-shaven. His brown hair was close-cropped. And he shuffled between the networking breakfasts and panel discussions wearing a maroon sweater, matching collared shirt and crisp khaki pants.

But despite all outward appearances, Casey, 29, wasn’t like all of the other Republicans at CPAC, the largest annual gathering of conservative activists in the U.S.

He wasn’t there only to champion conservative causes. Casey had ulterior motives: to covertly spread the message of the white nationalist group he leads.

As the executive director of Identity Evropa, Casey is on a bold mission. “To take over the GOP as much as possible,” he told NBC News.

Casey and his roughly 800 fellow members believe ethnic diversity damages the country. Emboldened by President Donald Trump’s rhetoric on race and immigration, they advocate for allowing only Caucasians to immigrate to the U.S. in order to maintain a “white supermajority.”
In Casey’s perfect world, whites would live among whites in North America, Western Europe, Australia, and South Africa, blacks would live among blacks in Africa, Asians in Asia, and Hispanics in Latin America. “Ethnic diversity has been proven time and time again in many studies to be very detrimental for social cohesion, social capital, and it's just not a good model for society,” he said.

Identity Evropa gained notoriety last year when it helped organize the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va. The gathering of white supremacists ended with a white nationalist plowing his car into a group of counter protesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer.

Casey now sees politics rather than protests as the prime vehicle to carry his brand of white identity politics into the mainstream.

Casey wants Identity Evropa candidates to get elected on the GOP ticket so they can implement these policies.  There are millions, if not tens of millions of Republican voters out there that would like to see that happen.

And frankly, let's not forget that there's plenty of other Republicans, both candidates and those actively in Congress and in state legislatures...and the White House...who want to "maintain a white supermajority" as well.  That's where the GOP is in 2018: the party of white identity.

That's been the goal since Atwater and well before, and there's no reason to think they'll stop playing that game now.  In fact, that's pretty much all they have left.  The only difference now is that they feel safe enough to have people like Casey boldly proclaim that this is the plan.

Unfortunately, as with so many times in America's past, it's working.  They've got the culture part down, they're working on the psuedo-science part of the takeover now as advances in genetic testing are leading to a new era of science being co-opted for eugenics, and the political part is coming along nicely for them.

We're already facing the imminent end of the civil rights era.  After that, history tells us, comes the cleansing.

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