Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Kids Are Not Alright, Con't

A new Pew Research poll finds Generation Z, those born after 2000, are as liberal if not more so than Millennials.

On a range of issues, from Donald Trump’s presidency to the role of government to racial equality and climate change, the views of Gen Z – those ages 13 to 21 in 2018 – mirror those of Millennials.1 In each of these realms, the two younger generations hold views that differ significantly from those of their older counterparts. In most cases, members of the Silent Generation are at the opposite end, and Baby Boomers and Gen Xers fall in between.2

It’s too early to say with certainty how the views of this new generation will evolve. Most have yet to reach voting age, and their outlook could be altered considerably by changing national conditions, world events or technological innovations. Even so, two new Pew Research Center surveys, one of U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 and one of adults ages 18 and older, provide some compelling clues about where they may be headed and how their views could impact the nation’s political landscape.

Only about three-in-ten Gen Zers and Millennials (30% and 29%, respectively) approve of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president. This compares with 38% of Gen Xers, 43% of Boomers and 54% of Silents. Similarly, while majorities in Gen Z and the Millennial generation say government should do more to solve problems, rather than that government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals, Gen Xers and Boomers are more evenly divided on this issue. For their part, most Silents would like to see a less activist government.

Of course, there are striking examples of Gen Z kids who are most certainly not liberal, and in fact are budding MAGA white supremacist assholes who make national news, like the kids right here in Northern Kentucky.

Covington Catholic High School faced backlash on social media Saturday morning after video was posted and widely shared showing a tense exchange between indigenous marchers and a group of young men in Washington, D.C.

The video shows a young man wearing a "Make America Great Again" cap standing near and staring at a man who is drumming as other young men surrounding them cheer and chant. Some of the onlookers appear to wear clothing bearing insignia from Covington Catholic High School in Park Hills.

The man with the drum was participating in an Indigenous Peoples March, according to people who posted about the incident.

Twitter users condemned the incident as an attempt by the group to intimidate the marchers and called for a response from the school.

The Enquirer could not independently confirm that students from Covington Catholic were present during the incident or the origin of the video.

However, Laura Keener, the communications director with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington, released a brief statement at about 12:15 p.m. Saturday:

"We are just now learning about this incident and regret it took place. We are looking into it."

Messages left with Covington Catholic Principal Bob Rowe and other school faculty members were not immediately returned Saturday.

The school's website says students planned to attend the March for Life event, held Friday in Washington, D.C., the same day as the Indigenous Peoples March.

The man with the drum is a Vietnam Veteran, by the way.  And yes, this is exactly what I mean when I say racism in America is not dying out, Trump gave white America permission to teach this to their Millennial and Gen Z kids, and that's exactly what's happening.  These smarmy little pricks are wearing MAGA hats on a school field trip on purpose, guys.  It is a symbol of power and privilege and hate, and it's perfectly acceptable.

This is the country that elected Donald Trump as goddamn POTUS.  It has always been this racist, every now and then the pendulum swings a bit and there's a brief window where we're able to reclaim a sliver of the lost humanity from 400 years ago.

And on the other end, there's Trump.  Make America Overtly Racist Again™.

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