Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Hunter and The Hunted

Remember our old friend California GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter, who won reelection in 2018 despite being indicted for massive campaign finance fraud and embezzlement?  Turns out his wife just sold him up the river, and poor Duncan is going to fry like a cheese stick.

The wife of indicted Republican U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter of California has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to misuse campaign funds, including for an Italy trip that cost more than $10,000.
Margaret Hunter, who worked as her husband’s campaign manager, had previously pleaded not guilty to corruption charges alleging the couple used more than $250,000 in campaign funds to pay for personal trips, hotel rooms and shopping sprees.

But on Thursday she withdrew that plea in U.S. court in San Diego and pleaded guilty to a single count carrying a sentence of up to five years in prison.

The misuse of campaign funds spanned from 2010 to the end of 2016.

The move suggests she is cooperating with the prosecution and might even testify against her husband. His trial is scheduled for September.
His attorney, Gregory Vega, told the San Diego Union-Tribune that Margaret Hunter’s guilt should have no impact on his client’s case.

Oh, but it will.  And Duncan Hunter's own wife is going to sell him out and put him in prison.  I can't wait.  Another Republican in California falls?

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