Friday, March 6, 2020

Last Call For Our Little Domestic Terrorism Problem, Con't

With Bernie Sanders taking on Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination, the forces of Trumpy darkness (orangeness maybe?) are descending on events held for both candidates, and don't expect the White House to agree to extending badly needed Secret Service protection to either one, particularly Sanders, who would be the nation's first Jewish president.

Moments after Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) took the stage at his campaign rally in Phoenix on Thursday night, the crowd was on its feet cheering madly for the Democratic presidential candidate.

But those cheers were swiftly replaced by deafening boos when Sanders’s supporters noticed that one man standing behind the senator in an upper section of the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum wasn’t waving a “Bernie” sign like many of those around him.

Instead, the man was holding a red flag above his head — and it was emblazoned with a swastika.

“It was absolutely wild,” Brianna Westbrook, a national surrogate for the Sanders campaign, told The Washington Post. “I never thought I would have seen a swastika at a political event. It’s gross.”
While people near the protester quickly ripped the offending item out of his hands and he was removed from the arena, the mere appearance of a Nazi flag at an event dedicated to a democratic socialist who could become the country’s first Jewish president sparked outcry. The moment, captured in videos and photos that circulated on social media Thursday night, was denounced as an act of anti-Semitism and prompted increased concerns about Sanders’s safety on the campaign trail.

“We can argue about which candidate should get the Dem nomination, but anti-Semitic acts have no place in this world,” tweeted Steven Slugocki, chairman of the Maricopa County Democratic Party. “This is absolutely abhorrent.”

It's abhorrent, completely.  It's also Trump's America.  This is only a taste of what I expect from Trump's twisted followers, all while Republicans are screaming that they are the victims.

We don't punch Nazis anymore.

We elect them.

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