Saturday, September 5, 2020

Trump's Race To The Bottom, Con't

Dear Leader has decreed that federal government will no longer engage in racial sensitivity training because the notion that any white people need to look at America from a point of view other than whiteness is "un-American".

The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has reportedly directed federal agencies to cancel employee racial sensitivity training that may be "divisive" and "un-American," according to multiple reports.

A memo obtained by The Washington Post and first reported by RealClear Politics instructs federal agencies to cancel contracts that teach employees America is an "inherently racist or evil country."

In the memo, OMB Director Russell Vought says President Trump specifically instructed him to cut millions in taxpayer dollars used on contracts with racial sensitivity training. The memo notes training sessions that discuss "white privilege" or "critical race theory," and orders all contracts that can be legally canceled to be ended.

“The President has directed me to ensure that federal agencies cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions,” the memo reads.

The Post reports it's not clear what training programs the memo is referring to, but notes Fox News recently shared a critical report of Obama-era diversity and inclusion efforts.

The memo insists that "the President, and his Administration, are fully committed to the fair and equal treatment of all individuals in the United States.”

Systemic racism simply doesn't exist, says the white supremacist regime. Because we say it doesn't exist. So we're getting rid of anything that might try to correct it, because it doesn't exist.

And of course, Ku Klux Klangerine saw WOKE GOVERNMENT TRAINING on FOX News and pulled the plug. Racism can't exist, otherwise, well, Trump would be the Racist-in-Chief.

Republicans want to eradicate Black America.  Try living with that every day of your life, knowing that your federal government wants you gone, that knowing the fact your ancestors being treated as chattel and that there are still systems in place to collectively punish us 150 years later are "propaganda".

They despise us to the core while bleating about the "fair treatment of all Americans".

We have to vote them out. I won't survive another four years of Trump. A lot of Black folks won't. We'll be annihilated. And it's all a "culture war" game to them.

Donald Trump is a eugenicist.  The sick, the disabled, the elderly, the frail, the Black and the brown are all subhuman garbage to be eradicated from pure White America, and Trump is turning that into United States government policy.

We're targets.

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