Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You Know The UberBailout Fix Is In

...when you see headlines like "Senate attack on bailout lacks explicit threat".
Many members of the Senate blasted the Bush administration's Wall Street bailout plan on Tuesday, but no senator has come forward so far with an explicit pledge to kill the $700 billion proposal.

The rules of the Senate, unlike the House of Representatives, give individual lawmakers substantial power to delay or halt legislation, but three Senate aides said there were no clear signs yet of that power being exercised.

And that's the ballgame, folks. The Plan is go, the Dems will get the crap kicked out of them as this becomes the Bush-Pelosi-Obama Socialism On Wall Street Act, and President McSame continues us on the path to hell.

I expect something to be on Preznitman's desk by this weekend.


[UPDATE] The Bush-Cheney-Pelosi-Reid-Obama Bailout Bill continues to take shape.

There was a time when Dick Cheney could turn back a Republican revolt on Capitol Hill.

That time is gone.

House Republicans rose up en masse against their vice president on Tuesday morning to blast an administration proposal that would grant Treasury historic authority to start buying hundreds of billions of dollars in devalued mortgage-related assets, according to members present.

The lines to speak were long, the questions many and sentiment in the Cannon Caucus Room Tuesday swayed heavily against the Treasury proposal.

Afterward, Texas Rep. Joe Barton took the unusual step of telling reporters that he had politely given Cheney a piece of his mind – the sort of dissent Republicans considered unthinkable during much of the Bush administration's reign.

A full-throated Republican revolt could create huge problems for the administration and congressional Democrats scrambling to assemble a package to reassure jittery markets. It could also preserve the Republicans’ options after the fact – if the bailout doesn’t work or proves deeply unpopular with voters, they can say they opposed it.

Ahh yes, Politico.com takes note of a House GOP revolt against a bill the Democrats and the Bushies are putting together.

Take notes. We're getting our asses kicked again and we're walking right into the trap anyway.

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