Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Left Has Teh Stupid Too

Plenty of folks on the Left need to face the music for being, I don't know, 100% wrong on this election, mainly the die hard "Hillary Or Hell" folks on the Left that said that a black man could and would never win a Presidential election in America. Larry Johnson of No Quarter went from one of the best sources of behind the scenes intel community analysis to going completely off the reservation and turned into a wingnut with a severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome, but almost as bad was TalkLeft's "Big Tent Democrat", Armando.

John Cole of Balloon Juice (himself a reformed wingnut turned Stupid Fighter) takes BTD to task and names his many crimes against reason, logic, and his fellow bloggers.
With Democrats like this, who needs Red State? If there was anyone who was more tedious during this last election cycle than Armando, aka Big Tent Democrat, let me know. Besides turning one of my favorite sites, TalkLeft, into a pseudo-Puma cess-pool during the primaries (But he supports Obama, dont’cha know- speaking for him only!), BTD’s bigger sin was dispensing bad advice to the Obama campaign on an almost daily basis. If concern trolling was an art form, BTD would be Michelangelo and the 2008 Democratic primary his Sistine Chapel.

Because I am short on patience, and, at heart, a compassionate person, I am not going to go through the TalkLeft archives and dig up where BTD gravely intones that Obama can not win the white vote, can not win the Jewish vote, can not win the Hispanic vote, and on and on. I will not dig up all the stupid god damned advice he gave to the Obama campaign (which they, thank GOD, ignored). I will not look up the umpteen posts where the left’s own pompous village idiot warned that Obama could not win without Hillary on the ticket. I will not dig up the polling data that he consistently misread and always curiously interpreted as showing a need for Hillary on the ticket. I will let you do that for yourself, and you can enjoy your own historical retrospective into BTD’s idiocy. Yes, I voted for Bush twice, but I proudly state I am not as stupid as BTD. Period.

Not proud of some of the folks on the Left, but Teh Stupid plays all sides of the political spectrum, and it's about time somebody called BTD out on the most egregious of his wrongnosity.

It won't be the last time, either.

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