Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Can You Hear The Wingers Scream, Clarice?

With North Korea, Obama's Supreme Court pick, and California's Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, our favorite wingnuts are in full-blown meltdown mode, wondering why we haven't bombed Pyongyang Tehran (Iran is behind everything bad in the universe because our good friends the Israelis who would never lie to us say so) yet and how Barack Ocarter has just failed failed failed failed failed. After all, it's his fault we haven't won in the Middle east yet, he's had four whole months now.

Look guys, let's be honest here. Are we ready to declare war on the Norks right now? If we weren't still tied down in Iraq and Afghanistan after seven years, perhaps the rest of the world would take our military might seriously. But the Wingers are correct in their assumption that Kim Jong Il is laughing at us. He knows we're wayyyy too busy with Iraq, Afghanistan, and oh yeah, Pakistan, to be worrying about what he's up to.

It's no secret. Bush dug us into a quagmire and we're stuck. We were wrong on Iraq, we all but abandoned Afghanistan, and we ignored Pakistan until it almost became too late. Yes, North Korea is going to kick us while we're down...but let's remember why we were down in the first place: Bush failed to prevent 9/11.

Would we be in Afghanistan, Iraq, or sending drones into Pakistan right now if Bush hadn't dropped the ball eight years ago?

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