Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Suddenly Sonia

Obama's SCOTUS pick is Sonia Sotomayor, several news outlets are reporting this morning. Considering the sandbag job on her began three weeks ago, it's nice of Obama to go ahead with her selection anyway.

The Wingers are going to trip over themselves trying to see which idiotic conclusion they jump to first, that Obama picking a Hispanic judge makes him a racist (because of course she can't possibly be a good judge), or that picking a female judge makes him a sexist for the same reason.

To quote Kenneth Brannagh in Wild Wild West, "Let the pahrty....begiyun!"

[UPDATE] The "Sonia Sotomayor = Harriet Miers so she should just withdraw now" train has already left the station.

This would have been the case no matter who Obama picked. After all, none of US are smart enough to be Supreme Court justices, so clearly we should rely on the opinions of people who are not smart enough to be Supreme Court justices to tell us Obama's pick is not smart enough to be a Supreme Court justice.

But as Amanda Terkel notes at Think Progress:
Coming from a housing project in the Bronx, Sotomayor ended up graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Princeton. She also was a co-recipient of the M. Taylor Pyne Prize, the highest honor Princeton awards to an undergraduate. Sotomayor then went to Yale Law School, where she served as an editor of the Yale Law Journal and managing editor of the Yale Studies in World Public Order. Rep. Jose Serrano (D-NY) said on Fox News this morning that of all the nominees, Sotomayor “brings the most in terms of judicial experience — in terms of serving on a federal court — in 100 years.”

SCOTUS Blog has pointed out that women and minority candidates for the Supreme Court are often portrayed as not being smart enough for the job. As Matt Yglesias has also written, underscoring this point, “I recall a lot of issues being raised during the Samuel Alito confirmation fight, but at that time I don’t remember anyone raising questions about the intelligence of a Princeton/Yale Law graduate who’d done time on an Appeals Court.”

But the "not too bright Latina" meme will roll on...

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