Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Apology Patrol

I said earlier today in the comments that I don't believe Obama has to apologize for anything he said about the Skip Gates incident on Wednesday.
Wanting to have a teachable moment in order to help the country move on, sure. Apologizing for what he said? He's admitting to overreacting a bit. But it doesn't change what he said nor the truth behind it.

He doesn't need to say he's sorry here, then again, it's not like the parties wanting him to apologize will accept it anyway.
Well, here's your teachable moment, folks. You can always count on Republicans to twist the knife in to keep a manufactured controversy going.

Congress would demand that President Obama apologize to the officer the president said had "acted stupidly" in the arrest of a prominent Harvard professor under a resolution set to be introduced by one Michigan lawmaker.

Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.) will introduce a House resolution on Monday demanding Obama retract and apologize for remarks he has made about Cambridge Police Sergeant James Crowley this past week.

Obama had said at his prime time press conference Wednesday that Crowley had "acted stupidly" in the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, a racially-infused case which has sparked a national debate on race and policing.

The president refused to back down on his involvement in the case, but appeared in the White House briefing on Friday to say he had called Crowley to explain that never meant to insult the officer. (Obama also called Gates on Friday.)

McCotter's resolution would demand Obama "retract his initial public remarks and apologize to Cambridge, Massachusetts Police Sergeant James M. Crowley for having unfairly impugned and prejudged his professional conduct in this local police response incident."

Sure. And while we're at it, let's have resolutions demanding apologies for the public remarks of Sen. Jim DeMint, Rep. Bill Posey, any Republican who contributed to Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Rep. Pete Sessions, Sen. John McCain, Rep. Michele Bachmann, and Newt Gingrich for good measure.

1 comment:

  1. When this meat head from Michigan introduces a bill that requires the Former Andover Cheerleader, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld to apologize for starting an unnecessary war I might take the GOP serious. Until then I do not consider them other than a band of war criminals with a large group of sympathizers mixed in.
