Thursday, April 2, 2009

Brobdingnagian Saecular Automatons And Other Things That Live In Newtie's Head

When Newt Gingrich closes his eyes at night, the voices come for him.
In a new appeal to the Christian right, Newt Gingrich told OneNewsNow that President Obama's proposed changes to the charitable deduction for top earners amounts to a "war against churches and charities," deliberately designed to discourage the successful from donating money to churches and make us all dependent on the government.

"I think there's a clear to desire to replace the church with a bureaucracy, and to replace people's right to worship together with a government-dominated system," said Gingrich.

The proposal itself is to lower the deduction that people making over $250,000 receive for itemized charitable contributions, from its current 33% or 35% down to 28%. Obama has defended the proposal by saying: "I'm assuming that that shouldn't be the determining factor as to whether you're giving that $100 to the homeless shelter down the street."

Lowering the tax breaks on charitable contributions only for the wealthiest Americans is somehow a war on God, Jesus, Buddha, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. His delusions are fascinating.

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