“It’s a very dismal turnout,” Jackie Milton, the head of Texans for Operation American Spring, told The Washington Times. “We were getting over two inches of rain [an] hour in parts of Virginia this morning. … Now it’s a nice sunny day. But this is a very poor turnout. It ain’t no millions. And it ain’t looking like there’s going to be millions. Hundreds is more like it.”
And even that number was being generous. 30 million became, well, thirty.
It's fun to laugh at these idiots, it really is. But the bottom line is that if these clowns were right about President Obama, he would have them all arrested as traitors. The fact that they're allowed to protest and go home back to their kids and jobs is more than the people in the Arab Spring ever got under real, actual tyranny where protestors were set upon by the military.
Your First Amendment rights give you the ability to peaceably assemble and voice your opinions and congratulations for exercising them. It also gives the rest of us the ability to laugh at you for being ignorant morons, too.
Welcome to America. Don't like Obama? Vote. Oh wait, we did. You guys lost. Twice.
Deal with it.