House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence of Indiana is considering stepping down from his post in the GOP leadership...
Cool. preparation for a possible bid for president or governor in 2012.
If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed. -- Benjamin Franklin
House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence of Indiana is considering stepping down from his post in the GOP leadership... preparation for a possible bid for president or governor in 2012.
Nevada GOP Senate nominee Sharron Angle’s campaign attorney wrote a fundraising letter to supporters on Tuesday, charging that Democrat Harry Reid “intends to steal this election."
In a fundraising plea to supporters, Cleta Mitchell wrote, "As Sharron Angle's campaign attorney, I am sorry to report that the Democrats and their cronies are up to their same old tricks of trying to manipulate the election in hopes of skewing the results in their favor.”
The letter alleges that the Reid campaign offered free food at voter turnout events and that “Democratic allies such as teachers unions are offering gift cards in return for a vote for Reid” — though the letter does not list specific events at which these practices allegedly took place. A search of recent news reports in Nevada did not turn up accounts of unions offering any gifts to voters.The evidence Mitchell holds up is that the Angle campaign “received reports that some teachers union representatives were offering Starbucks cards to people to get them to vote for Harry Reid. It is even more disturbing and may be possible that they are using their influence and authority as educators to entice students on behalf of Reid.”
Angle's campaign did not immediately respond to an e-mail seeking examples of union officials offering gift cards to voters.
I disagree strongly with the concept of separation of church and state. It was not written into the Constitution. While we have a Constitution that is very strong in the sense that we are not gonna have a religion that’s sanctioned by the government, it doesn’t mean that we need to have a separation between government and religion. And so that, that concerns me a great deal.
"I'd abolish the estate tax tomorrow, cut corporate taxes in half and phase out capital gains taxes, and then have a beer," says Joe Walsh, the Republican nominee for Illinois' 8th Congressional District. "I'm one of those knuckleheads who believes that every time we cut taxes, we increase government revenues."
"We prefer a 10% flat tax, obviously with an exclusion for the first portion of your income until the federal poverty level," says John Ellinwood, director of communications for Jesse Kelly, a Republican running for Arizona's 8th Congressional District. In this way, Kelly hopes to simplify the tax code and create a more favorable environment for the wealthy to spend and invest.
"Wealthy people are not stupid, they resent paying 40% of their income to the government," Ellinwood said. "But they don't resent paying 10%, so they'll actually engage in more productive activities."
"I would be in favor of a hiring freeze for the federal government in nondefense areas, and freezing salaries of people in government," says Dan Benishek, the Republican nominee for Michigan's 1st Congressional District.
Benishek is also in favor of being more vigilant in "auditing" public agencies to see if they are wasting money.
In fact, of the candidates we spoke with, several advocated the idea of eliminating two agencies in particular.
"Something like the Department of Education, I don't see the need for it. It hasn't done anything to improve the public school system in this country," says Walsh, the Illinois Congressional nominee."And I would certainly have a discussion about the Department of Energy."
Paul the Octopus “appears to have passed away peacefully during the night, of natural causes, and we are consoled by the knowledge that he enjoyed a good life here,” the statement said.
The psychic cephalopod made his name by trumping well-established investment banks’ predictions about which team would win this year’s World Cup.
He rightly picked the outcome of seven Germany soccer games during the World Cup, including Germany’s elimination by Spain, prompting death threats from angry fans.
Before retiring to the aquarium in Germany, Paul was even transformed into a successful Ask the Octopus iPhone application which helped undecided people come to a decision without having to make the choice themselves.
“Don’t know which is the best choice? Do you want to guess the future? Ask the most famous octopus in the world. Ask the oracle, Octopus Paul,” said uTouchLabs, the Brazilian software company behind the application.
Sea Life Centre Manager Stefan Porwoll said, "Paul amazed the world by correctly predicting the winners of all Germany's World Cup clashes, and then of the final… his success made him almost a bigger story than the World Cup itself.”
The modest decline in the Republicans’ chances today is a result of new polling in two states. The first is Colorado, where two new polls, from Public Policy Polling and SurveyUSA, each show the exact same result, with the Republican, Ken Buck, and the Democrat, Michael Bennet, tied at 47 percent each. Colorado had appeared to slightly favor Mr. Buck for most of the cycle, with his winning chances peaking at 79 percent in our Sept. 30 update. Since then, however, he has endured some decline after a series of minor gaffes, with polls suggesting that Mr. Bennet may have improved his standing among female voters. We now project Colorado’s Senate race to be the closest in the country — slightly closer than others like Nevada or West Virginia. Mr. Buck is now an 0.4-point favorite, according to the model, and his chances of winning are 54 percent.
The other significant move today is in West Virginia, and it is toward the Democrat, Joe Manchin, as a Public Policy Polling survey gives him a 6-point lead over Republican John Raese.
Two other important states show slight movement tonight toward the candidate who had already appeared to hold the lead.
In Illinois, a Chicago Tribune poll gives the Republican, Mark Kirk, a 3-point lead over Alexi Giannoulias. This is the fourth consecutive survey to show Mr. Kirk with a lead, and he can now be thought of as a slight favorite. Because of the unusually high number of undecided voters in the state, however, Mr. Giannoulias retains a potential path to victory by turning out the Democratic base.
Finally, in California, a poll for the University of Southern California and the Los Angeles Times gives the Democrat, Barbara Boxer, an 8-point lead over Carly Fiorina. This does not have a tremendous impact on the model, because the poll has consistently shown good numbers for Ms. Boxer and her fellow Democrat, Jerry Brown. But her probability of winning is now up incrementally to 84 percent from 82 percent.
Officials said it showed Iran's nuclear plans were on track despite sanctions aimed at forcing it to curb uranium enrichment which many countries fear is aimed at developing atomic weapons.
"This day will be remembered ... because it was the day when fuel was lowered into the core of the reactor," Ali Akbar Salehi, head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, said.
Amid great media fanfare, fuel rods were transported into the reactor building in August, but they were not inserted into its core and the plant's start-up was delayed due to what were described as minor technical problems.
At a much lower-key news conference, broadcast live from the plant on Iran's the Gulf coast, Salehi said it would take a further two months to complete the process of lowering 163 fuel assemblies into the core of the reactor and running tests. He said three fuel assemblies had been inserted so far.
The Russian-built 1,000-MW plant will feed Iran's first nuclear power into the national grid early next year, he said.
There is no lack of interesting people in the political center. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg -- one of the few popular incumbents in the country -- has not only declared himself a centrist but has also launched a campaign of support for other centrists. He flies around the country endorsing both Democrats and Republicans who he thinks show the ability to compromise and have the courage to depart from party orthodoxy on issues such as gun control (he is in favor) or more stringent financial regulation (he is against). He nearly lost me when he inexplicably endorsed Harry Reid, but never mind.
Others are trying, usually behind the scenes, to find solutions to problems that divide liberals and conservatives bitterly. Recently, Steve Hayward of the American Enterprise Institute (conservative) got together with Mark Muro of the Brookings Institution (liberalish) and two scholars from the Breakthrough Institute (further left) to talk about America's stalled energy policy. Their starting point: For two decades, the right has called climate change a figment of the United Nations' imagination and pretended that "drill, baby, drill" is a policy. For the same two decades, the left has been talking about the end of the world and pretending that wind and solar can replace oil and gas without massive subsidy. The result: gridlock, a lot of wasted money and an ever-growing American dependence on imported oil.
Working together, they came up with a report called "Post-Partisan Power" (read the whole thing at http:// or http:/ / ), which calls for the removal of wasteful subsidies and advocates investments designed to make "new clean energy sources" commercially viable. Just as important, though, is the point this group made by working together. In their introduction, they note that bipartisanship has helped create economic growth. And not only the distant past: Welfare reform was passed thanks to both Bill Clinton and Newt
Bipartisanship is, of course, the source of plenty of disastrous ideas itself. Sometimes it produces worst-of-all-possible-worlds types of legislation, like those energy bills that subsidize gas, oil, wind, nuclear, coal, biofuels, hydrogen and anything else that might keep a swing state happy. Sometimes it produces agreements that are so centrist that one or the other party eventually rejects them. That's what happened to the McCain-Kennedy immigration reform, a bill I'm sure John McCain wishes he'd never laid eyes on.
Still, even if bipartisanship doesn't always work, even if "moderate" legislation is often weak, even if centrists sometimes fail completely, it doesn't matter: We are condemned to cross-party compromise. Without it, our system doesn't work: That's what "checks and balances" means. In American politics, if you don't want to cooperate with your political opponents -- if you prefer to scorn them, shun them or call them names -- that means that you don't, in fact, want to get anything done. Moderates often achieve less than they could. But extremists achieve nothing at all.
Which is why this Jon Stewart rally is such a gloomy development. I'm sure his Million Moderate March, if it happens, will be amusing, and I wouldn't want to spoil the fun by calling it "tragic." But if that's the best the center can do, then "blackly humorous" wouldn't be that far off.
A spokesman for the Lexington Police Department, Lt. Edward Hart, tells The Huffington Post that as off 12:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time they have not yet identified the man captured on video stomping the head of the MoveOn volunteer. Hart said that the department would be reviewing news footage of the incident and that they "are hoping someone can identify who the person is." Until then, he said, it is a "pending investigation."
Hart additionally offered some details from the police report filed from the incident. There were, he said, roughly 300 protestors outside the debate and only a handful of officers. "We were not anticipating any issues," he acknowledged.
"The victim, apparently, was trying to run up and approach Dr. Paul with a sign reading 'RepubliCorp: Employee of the Month,'" he added. "She worked for -- was a contract employee sent to the debate with for the purpose of getting a picture with Dr. Paul with the sign."
Valle had been sent from Pennsylvania for the purposes of appearing outside the Paul event, according to Hart. "She had been attending multiple rallies with the same purpose. She stated that she was wearing a wig and as she was running up to Rand Paul she was either tripped on purpose or pushed to the ground." Following the incident Valle "complained of injury to the temple area."
Hart relayed that a fourth-degree assault report had been filed with the policy department -- as is customary when the result "is a minor injury." Once the suspect is identified it will be up to Valle "to file for warrant or the summons to bring that person into court."
Rest assured I will be voting every election for conservatives and the American way.
Zandar Versus The Stupid: Last Post, Please Read · 1 year ago
I'm very sorry to hear the news. Condolences and best wishes.
Zandar Versus The Stupid: Last Post, Please Read · 1 year ago
Jay, I just read your post, and Kathy and I appreciate your support and kind words. We are tentatively planning a celebration of life in June, around the time of Jon’s birthday. We will be sure to...
Zandar Versus The Stupid: Retribution Execution, Con't · 1 year ago
You realize you're the only poster who keeps insulting Zandar, right?
Zandar Versus The Stupid: Last Post, Please Read · 1 year ago
You disgusting filth. Go away and let this man’s friends, family, and admirers mourn his passing in peace
Zandar Versus The Stupid: Last Post, Please Read · 1 year ago