The FBI is reportedly monitoring plans for armed protests against Donald Trump’s election defeat in all 50 US state capitols and at the US Capitol in Washington between Saturday and 20 January, the day Joe Biden will be inaugurated as president.
ABC News said it had obtained an internal bulletin which detailed calls for the “storming” of state, local and federal courthouses and buildings, if Trump is removed from power before inauguration day.
House Democrats formally introduced an article of impeachment in Washington on Monday, charing Trump with inciting an insurrection in regard to the riot at the US Capitol last week, which left five dead and has led to multiple arrests.
Democrats also called on Vice-President Mike Pence to implement the 25th amendment to the constitution and remove Trump from power.
That effort seems unlikely to succeed. Any impeachment trial in the Senate is not likely to be held until after Trump has left office.
Nonetheless, ABC reporter Aaron Katersky said the FBI had “received information about an identified armed group intending to travel to Washington DC on 16 January [Saturday]. They have warned that if Congress attempts to remove [Trump] via the 25th amendment a huge uprising will occur.”
Republicans will continue to screech that Trump, and by extension the Republicans who enabled Trump's awful behavior, cannot suffer the consequences of inciting a terrorist insurrection because it might cause more terrorist insurrections, so we can only do absolutely nothing.
So odd how giving in to the terrorist demands are reasonable when the terrorists are American white supremacists.
At least the Capitol Police are starting to take things seriously.
Capitol Police briefed Democrats on Monday night about three more potentially gruesome demonstrations planned in the coming days, with one plot to encircle the U.S. Capitol and assassinate Democrats and some Republicans.
On a private call Monday night, new leaders of the Capitol Police told House Democrats they were closely monitoring three separate plans that could pose serious threats to members of Congress as Washington prepares for Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration on Jan. 20.
The first is a demonstration billed as the “largest armed protest ever to take place on American soil.”
Another is a protest in honor of Ashli Babbitt, the woman killed while trying to climb into the Speaker’s Lobby during Wednesday’s pro-Trump siege of the Capitol.
And another demonstration, which three members said was by far the most concerning plot, would involve insurrectionists forming a perimeter around the Capitol, the White House and the Supreme Court, and then blocking Democrats from entering the Capitol ― perhaps even killing them ― so that Republicans could take control of the government.
The members of Congress whom HuffPost spoke to Monday night were extremely concerned by the call.
“It was pretty overwhelming,” one member said.
Officials on the call warned lawmakers about sharing too much information with the media, saying that divulging specific dates, times and countermeasures could aid the organizers of the plots. HuffPost is not disclosing certain information, such as who appears to be organizing these plots and when they are to take place.
One member was explicit that these groups were trying to get journalists to report on their demonstrations.
“Some of their main communications to organize these have been cut off, so they’re purposely trying to get the media to report on this as a way to further disseminate information and to attract additional support for their attacks,” this member said.
Again, these are white supremacist domestic terrorists, folks. They want to kill Democrats and overthrow the election to put Trump in power.
It's way past time to start considering them as such, starting with Donald Trump.