Wisconsin Republicans will vote at their convention next month on a proposal affirming the state's right to go it alone, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's Daniel Bice reported Monday.
The state party's Resolutions Committee has voted in favor of a so-called "state sovereignty" measure stating the party "supports legislation that upholds Wisconsin's right, under extreme circumstances, to secede," according to the Journal-Sentinel. The resolution came out of one of the state party's regional caucuses and was edited and adopted by the committee despite top GOP officials' efforts to quash it.
Why would you vote on this unless you wanted people to think you hated America and no longer wanted to be a part of it? What "extreme circumstances" constitute the necessity for secession? Another Democrat in the White House?
Gov. Scott Walker (R) dismissed the unconventional proposal last week.
"I don't think that one aligns with where most Republican officials are in the state of Wisconsin — certainly not with me," Walker said Friday at a press event, as quoted by the Journal-Sentinel.
Gosh, what a bold statement. He doesn't think secession "aligns" with GOP officials in the state.
Why do Republicans hate America so much that they want to leave it? That kind of was the problem 150 years ago, yes? So do Republicans want a second Civil War?
Why else would you want to affirm the right to secede?