Former Texas governor Rick Perry's presidential campaign is no longer paying its staff because fundraising has dried up, while his cash-flush allied super PAC is preparing to expand its political operation to compensate for the campaign's shortcomings, campaign and super PAC officials and other Republicans familiar with the operation said late Monday.
Perry, who has struggled to gain traction in his second presidential run, has stopped paying his staff at the national headquarters in Austin as well as in the early caucus and primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, according to a Republican familiar with the Perry campaign who demanded anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation.
Perry campaign manager Jeff Miller told staff last Friday, the day after the first Republican presidential debate, that they would no longer be paid and are free to look for other jobs -- and, so far at least, most aides have stuck with Perry -- according to this Republican.
"As the campaign moves along, tough decisions have to be made in respect to both monetary and time related resources," Miller said in a statement. "Governor Perry remains committed to competing in the early states and will continue to have a strong presence in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina."
Katon Dawson, Perry's South Carolina campaign chairman and head of a six-person staff there, said, "Money is extremely tight. We all moved to volunteer status." But, he added, "Our team is working as hard as it was last week."
Let's face it folks, the smart money was never on this idiot. He crashed and burned in 2012 after his famous "I'll close three government departments" disaster when he could only remember two of them, and even Republicans realized the last person people were going to vote for was another idiot of a Texas GOP governor.
Perry (like Huckabee and Santorum, also in the basement of the poll numbers) is a proven loser. Republicans don't like losers. The news that Perry doesn't have the cash to keep going makes him even more of a loser, so he'll lose even more fundraising. Republican fundraisers are tired of backing losers, it's expensive and embarrassing.
That SuperPAC will keep him going or a while, but that too will stop taking in money as the deck reshuffles after the rise of Trump.
But barring a miracle, Perry's done.