To be sure, there would be costs on the other side if he were to be denied confirmation, and I don’t dispute that this has been one of the nastiest and no holds barred spectacles in the history of the country. But another Justice would eventually take this place on the Court and the wounds would slowly heal over time. That’s not going to happen with Kavanaugh sitting on the bench after he promised payback to the Clinton conspiracists he falsely claims have been behind the allegations against him.
I suppose it’s possible that Kavanaugh may one day be impeached, but that would be a rending national debacle all on its own, and absent that remedy this is a sore that is going to weep without end. It’s a mistake to confirm this man because his rulings will not be accepted and his mere presence will destroy the credibility of the Court.
The Republicans are thinking very short term right now, looking at a temporary uptick in the Senate race polls and thinking they’re on the right track. But I can tell, just by observing the women in my life, that this has set off a determined revolt and activated formerly apathetic people into a lifetime of activism and an absolutely unshakable thirst for payback.
Sen. Grassley says we’re at “rock bottom” and he wants “a future of mending things,” but if he actually interacted with the people he’s bullying he’d find out that he hasn’t seen rock bottom and their idea of mending things will not be to his liking.
Trump's election was a storm. Kvanaugh's confirmation is a hurricane. I know that history tells us that for all the anger and rage on our side, our side will not choose to vote. We failed in 2010, we failed in 2014. The other side has waited for this moment, where they cut out throats and leave liberalism to bleed out one Kavanaugh decision at a time, for decades. Nothing will stop them. Nothing can stop them.
Nothing can stop them, except us voting in numbers too big for them to ignore. Because the next stage past that, history tells us, is where the metaphorical war becomes very, very real.