Kemp was using his office's powers to systematically void the voter registrations of registered black Democrats as Kemp is running against Democratic state Rep. Stacey Abrams for governor.
But now Kemp is trying one last dirty trick, blaming Democrats for an attempted hack over the weekend into the state's voter registration system.
Georgia's Secretary of State's office says it has launched an investigation into a "failed attempt to hack the state's voter registration system" on Saturday evening.
The office of Brian Kemp, who is also the Republican candidate for governor, said in a Sunday morning news release that they will investigate the Georgia Democratic Party as part of its probe, but did not offer any details on why it is investigating the Democratic party.
"While we cannot comment on the specifics of an ongoing investigation, I can confirm that the Democratic Party of Georgia is under investigation for possible cyber crimes," said press secretary Candice Broce in the release. "We can also confirm that no personal data was breached and our system remains secure."
The Georgia Democratic Party said in a statement Sunday that the "scurrilous claims are 100 percent false" and called the investigation "another example of abuse of power" by Kemp.
"This political stunt from Kemp just days before the election is yet another example of why he cannot be trusted and should not be overseeing an election in which he is also a candidate for governor," the state party's executive director, Rebecca DeHart, said in a statement.
Stacey Abrams, Georgia's Democratic gubernatorial nominee, told CNN's Jake Tapper that the investigation was an attempt to distract voters two days before the election.
"I've heard nothing about it, and my reaction would be that this is a desperate attempt on the part of my opponent to distract people from the fact that two different federal judges found him derelict in his duties and have forced him to accept absentee ballots to be counted and those who are being held captive by the exact match system to be allowed to vote," Abrams said.
"He is desperate to turn the conversation away from his failures, from his refusal to honor his commitments and from the fact that he's part of a nationwide system of voter suppression that will not work in this election because we're going to outwork him, we're going to out vote him and we're going to win," she said.
I'm glad that Abrams and the Georgia Democratic Party jumped on Kemp's ridiculous story. Singling out the Democrats for this, when China, Russia, and other foreign groups have been attacking voter systems in 2016 and 2018, is the height of abuse of power.
I cannot wait for Kemp to lose, but frankly unless Abrams wins by ten points, I fully expect Kemp to illegally disqualify thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Democratic voters on Tuesday. We may not know who is governor of Georgia for months.
But in all honesty if we saw a candidate in another country who was currently in charge of counting the ballots for his own election to higher office, and then that candidate announces 48 hours before the election that the opposition party is now under investigation for hacking the voter registration system, we'd call it a banana republic and demand UN election observers.