Michele Bachmann is at it again. This time she is criticizing Obama's plan to help ease student loan debt. Of course we all know Bachmann is no fan of education, saying she would "do away with" the Department of Education if elected,
even going so far as to call the DOE unconstitutional. It's to the Tea Party's advantage that the future voters have no fancy learnin' so they can see through their copious bullshit.
Let us begin.
Bachmann starts by calling Obama's decision to move the action up by two years as an "abuse of power" and goes on about how he is dooming taxpayers. Well, not quite. This was already passed and slated to take place in 2014. The only change is with the date it takes effect. So which is a greater abuse of power, moving up aid for young people who desperately need it (freeing up money to put back into the economy) or overruling that aid if elected?
She then warns of dire repercussions for taxpayers. Another load of Tea Party BS. Taxpayers will not shoulder the burden, and the loans still must be repaid in full. The point is to lower required payments from 15% of income to 10% that must be paid, which allows graduates in a struggling economy to have money to put into housing and other necessities. Taxpayers won't be footing any of the costs, so that's a direct lie, either out of malice or ignorance on her part, I don't know.
The Huffington Post verifies this as well.
Bachmann has also gone on record saying she would
lower minimum wage to compete with overseas labor. In a different interview she said she would
consider eliminating it altogether. For someone with so little respect for education, she doesn't seem to understand that she is dooming young graduates to choose between an education they can't afford and a job that won't keep them fed and sheltered. I know, let's have her try to exist on the current minimum wage and see how well she holds it together. Let's see how $250 a week feeds her family and what kind of home she would be able to afford. I want to know how her financial expertise helps her when there is no money.
She then goes so far as to call Obama's assistance a "moral hazard" because "there is a morality in keeping our financial promises, and I don't think we should push that off onto the taxpayer. The individual needs to repay and be responsible for repaying their student loan debt." Umm... except the students
will be paying their debt, and taxpayers
will not be responsible for anything. So where is the moral hazard? I think it's the idiot talking out of her ass without checking the facts.
Dance, puppet, dance. Or better yet, somebody get this clown off the stage already.