President Trump attacked acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor as a "Never Trumper" in a tweet Wednesday, after Taylor testified to House investigators that Trump had directly linked military aid to Ukraine investigating his political opponents.
Never Trumper Republican John Bellinger, represents Never Trumper Diplomat Bill Taylor (who I don’t know), in testimony before Congress! Do Nothing Democrats allow Republicans Zero Representation, Zero due process, and Zero Transparency. Does anybody think this is fair? Even though there was no quid pro quo, I’m sure they would like to try. Worse than the Dems!
What they're saying: Earlier Wednesday, Trump tweeted that "Never Trumper Republicans, though on respirators with not many left, are in certain ways worse and more dangerous for our Country than the Do Nothing Democrats. Watch out for them, they are human scum!"
Indeed, the stage is being set for more stochastic terrorism, and the closer Trump gets to being impeached and possibly removed, the more insane things are going to get.
End Times broadcaster, rabid anti-Semite, and ardent conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles warned on his “TruNews” program last night that if President Donald Trump is removed from office, Trump supporters who “know how to fight” will hunt down Democratic legislators and kill them.
“If they take him out, there is going to be violence in America,” Wiles said. “There are people in this country—veterans, cowboys, mountain men, guys that know how to fight—and they’re going to make a decision that the people that did this to Donald Trump are not going to get away with it and they’re going to hunt them down.”
“I’m serious,” he continued. “If these people in Washington think that they are going to get away with it, it’s not going to happen. The Trump supporters are going to hunt them down. It’s going to happen and this country is going to be plunged into darkness and they brought it upon themselves because they won’t back off.”
Wiles said that Democrats have “waged war” against Trump voters for three years in an effort to undo the 2016 election and Trump supporters “are fed up with it and they know that if they get away with this, there is no country left.”
“They are going to go on a rampage and you’re not going to be able to put it back in the bottle,” Wiles said.
“Once the blood starts flowing, it’s nearly impossible to stop,” added co-host Edward Szall.
I fully expect this message to end up on Hannity before the end of the year, possibly before the end of the month at the clip impeachment is proceeding. And I don't want to hear that "They won't try anything" because we already have dead journalists and civilians killed by Trump's rabid base.
Violence is going to happen, almost guaranteed.
Longtime major league umpire Rob Drake tweeted that he planned to buy an assault rifle "because if you impeach MY PRESIDENT this way, YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER CIVAL WAR!!! #MAGA2020", according to a copy of the tweet obtained by ESPN.
The tweet, which was deleted soon after it was posted late Tuesday, followed one earlier in the night regarding the House of Representatives' impeachment proceedings with President Donald Trump.
The second tweet, which remains active on Drake's account @thedrake30, says: "You can't do an impeachment inquiry from the basement of Capital Hill without even a vote! What is going on in this country?"
Drake did not return phone and text messages.
A spokesman for Major League Baseball said the league is aware of the tweet and looking into it. Joe West, the president of the Major League Baseball Umpires Association, declined comment when reached by phone.
Yes, a lot of these are sick, disgusting fantasies. But even if a small fraction act on these fantasies, the Trump impeachment proceedings are going to be blood-soaked.
Eric Metaxas, an author and nationally syndicated religious right talk radio host, told Fox News legal and political analyst Gregg Jarrett that President Donald Trump had been the target of a mass delusion campaign akin to Nazi Germany’s and that unless people wake up to that fact, “it’s the end of America.”
Metaxas interviewed Jarrett in-studio on his show “The Eric Metaxas Radio Show,” and footage of the interview was uploaded to YouTube last week. The two discussed the premise of Jarrett’s new book, “Witch Hunt,” which seeks to convince readers that the intelligence community launched a misinformation campaign to convince Americans that Trump is a traitor to the United States. Throughout the interview, Metaxas praised Jarrett for his writing and appearances on Fox News’ “Hannity” program to promote his narrative, and he expressed his personal agreement with Jarrett’s interpretations.
“People often ask the question, and I’ve written a book about it,” Metaxas said, referring to a book he wrote about a theologian and spy who fought Nazis. “How did the Nazis take over Germany? How did it happen? How did it happen that the Salem witch trials—how do people get crazy, and there’s this mass lemming-like run toward something that’s a chimera, an illusion, and yet it happens over and over in history.”
“And I agree with you in the thesis of your book that there’s no doubt that that is what has just happened, and it’s actually, of course, not over yet,” Metaxas said. “We still have people who, the moment the Mueller report came out, they kept grasping at straws, grasping at straws. When there were no longer straws to grasp, you know, they leaped over to the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing. They really, they don’t stop.”
Metaxas continued, “And I want to say really bluntly to my audience: You don’t have to like Trump. In fact, you can hate Trump. That’s your right as an American. But when we see this level of corruption happening in our government, when we see journalists abdicate their sacred calling as journalists to follow a narrative, I have to say every American should be scared, because if you do not undo this, if you don’t wake up from the dream, it’s the end of America.”
The shock talk AM radio nutjobs are openly preparing their listeners for armed insurrection. This was always going to be the result of any effort to remove Trump, by either impeachment or by vote in 2020, and anyone who doesn't see this is burying their head in the sand.
We have to stay the course, but it's going to come at a cost.