A playground in Mystic, Connecticut, dedicated to a girl shot during the Newtown massacre, is allegedly being vandalized by "truthers" who claim the shooting never took place.
A vinyl sign weighing 50 pounds was stolen last Tuesday from the Grace McDonnell Playground.
The sign featured a peace symbol that was based on the 7-year-old girl's drawing. She is one of the 20 children shot by Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut on Dec. 14, 2012.
Grace's mother, Lynn McDonnell, found out about the theft when a man claiming to have stolen the sign called her.
During a brief conversation, the sign-stealer allegedly told McDonnell that he took the sign because he believes the school shooting was a hoax, CBS2.com reports.
He also taunted her that her daughter never existed, a comment that suggested he thought McDonnell was part of the alleged conspiracy.
What an awesome thing to say to a grieving mother, right? "I vandalized the playground named after your dead kid because the NRA hobgoblins living inside my head told me your kid never existed and that you're in on a plan to take my guns!"
There's 26 more playgrounds being built, by the non-profit group that made this possible, the Where Angels Play Foundation. If you live in the area near any of these playgrounds, or want to help, drop by the website and click on the "Support Us" button. They could use funds and volunteers.