Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker had a steep learning curve on foreign policy after some early off-key statements. Now an eager student of global affairs, is staking out positions that play well to conservatives but lack a lot of nuance.
This was clear from a weekend bus tour the Wisconsin governor took across Iowa and earlier stops in South Carolina as part of the campaign swing he took in the week after becoming the 15th candidate to seek the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.
He saw no need for diplomatic niceties in response to the Iran nuclear deal that President Barack Obama negotiated with Tehran: He would terminate it as soon as possible and persuade U.S. allies to join Washington in imposing more crippling economic sanctions on Tehran.
“This is not a country we should be doing business with,” he said in Davenport, Iowa, reminding the crowd of Iran’s holding of 52 American hostages in 1979. “This is one of the leading state sponsors of terrorism.”
Walker would also be more confrontational with both Russia over its aggression against Ukraine and against China, for the territorial pressures Beijing is putting on U.S. allies in the South China Sea.
He would dramatically increase U.S. military spending after budget cuts that military officials have complained about.
“The United States needs a foreign policy that puts steel in the face of our enemies,” Walker says.
Steel in the face of our enemies, meaning Iran, China and Russia. Going to take a lot of cuts to schools, health care and roads to pay for all those troops going overseas under a Walker administration, you know. I hope you weren't attached to Social Security or having your kids not go to war.
But hey, we'll sure be scary out there. It's not like our adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan had massive blowback, right?
By the way, Scott Walker has a number of things that he doesn't think he should have an opinion on, because that's too hard.
In a weekend interview with Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker about whether the Boy Scouts should allow gay troop leaders, CNN's Dana Bash asked Walker, "Do you think being gay is a choice?"
"I don't have an opinion on every single issue out there. To me, that's, I don't know," Walker answered. "I don't know the answer to that question."
Going to war with our "enemies" is easy. Gay scoutmasters? Too hard for a President to have to worry about.
Scott Walker.