Now Nelson is demanding states be allowed to
opt-in to Obamacare only if they want to.
It is unclear whether Democrats will offer Nelson's proposal as part of their Manager's Amendment, which should be public by Saturday morning. Efforts to reach Nelson's office were unsuccessful.
But previous experience dictates the caucus is skeptical of healthcare reforms that permit states the ability to decide whether to implement them -- a fact that seemed most evident when the Senate's bill contained an "opt out" public option clause.
Nevertheless, Heineman is among a handful of governors who have railed against the upper chamber's healthcare bill, fearing an expansion of Medicaid could further dent their already holey budgets.
“The State of Nebraska cannot afford an unfunded mandate and uncontrolled spending of this magnitude," Heineman wrote to Nelson. "Additionally, Nebraskans are very concerned about the bill’s increase in payroll taxes. Rural hospitals are very concerned about their ability to survive. Seniors are very concerned about the cuts in Medicare."
“The bottom line is the current Senate bill is not in Nebraska’s best interest," the governor added. "Therefore, I strongly urge you to oppose the current Senate health care legislation."
However, Nelson may ultimately oppose that vote, regardless of Heineman's beckoning: The Nebraska senator still opposes the bill because its abortion language "isn't sufficient," he previously said.And even with the opt-in, it's still not going to be enough.
It never will be for Nelson. And the Dems refuse to figure this out.