Steve Bannon taunted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Saturday and vowed to challenge any Senate Republican who doesn’t publicly condemn attacks on President Donald Trump.
“Yeah, Mitch, the donors are not happy. They’ve all left you. We’ve cut your oxygen off,” Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist, said during a speech to religious conservatives at the Values Voter Summit in Washington.
Referencing Shakespeare, Bannon compared McConnell to Julius Caesar, adding that lawmakers are wondering who will emerge as Brutus, the character who reluctantly joins in on the assassination of Caesar for the benefit of Rome.
Bannon, now the executive chairman of Breitbart News, bashed Senate Republicans by name for not publicly distancing themselves from Sen. Bob Corker’s criticism of Trump, reserving particular animus for Sens. John Barrasso (Wyo.), Dean Heller (Nev.) and Deb Fischer (Neb.).
“Nobody can run and hide on this one,” he said. “These folks are coming for you. The days of taking a few nice conservative votes and hiding are over.”
...while Gorka is vowing to destroy anyone to the left of Trump.
During his speech to the Values Voter Summit today, Sebastian Gorkasaid liberals who were celebrating him leaving the White House should be more worried now.
Gorka spoke before Steve Bannon did and told the crowd not to be so troubled by the fact that the two of them left the White House.
“This is much larger than the White House,” he said. “This is a national movement to retake our country.”
He noted how liberals celebrated when both he and Bannon left, but after once again invoking Star Wars, he said this:
“The left has no idea how much more damage we can do to them as private citizens, as people unfettered by being part of the U.S. government.”
Those who oppose Trump must be exterminated, you see.
And that above sentence may not be figurative for much longer.