An exclusive Channel 2 Action News poll indicates if the election were held today, Georgia could have a new governor.
The poll conducted by Landmark Communications on July 15 found Democratic challenger Jason Carter with a seven-point lead over Republican incumbent Gov. Nathan Deal.
Carter received 48.7 percent in the poll and Deal received 41.3 percent. Libertarian Andew Hunt received 4 percent of the vote in the poll. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 4 percent.
Andrew Hunt is definitely hurting Republican Gov. Nathan Deal, and that could very well mean Carter can pull this off. And where Carter is winning? African-American voters, and women.
The poll comes just after new developments in the ethics investigation into Deal, and it could have cost him support according to Channel 2 political analyst Bill Crane.
“This is definite cause for pause and concern for a governor who probably a year ago didn’t have any serious Democrats who were running and now obviously are in a position to knock him out of his seat,” Crane told Channel 2’s Lori Geary.
Deal has a nine-point lead in men but women support Carter by a nearly 2-to-1 margin.
Oh yes, did I mention yet another corrupt Republican governor is under investigation?
The Georgia governor's race was roiled this week by new revelations in a long-standing ethics investigation of the incumbent, Republican Nathan Deal.
His opponent, State Sen. Jason Carter, a Democrat, says that a newly-revealed memo, in which the head of the state ethics commission claimed an attorney for Deal threatened her agency while it was investigating complaints against the governor, shows a "pattern of intimidation and interference on the part of the governor's office."
If that's true, and Deal's legal team is threatening investigators, Gov. Deal is a Done Deal.
Stay tuned. Corrupt Republican governors are going to get tossed like trash in November.