U.S. Senator Rand Paul is calling for the FBI to arrest the few dozens protestors who hassled him after he left President Donald Trump’s RNC speech Thursday night. The Kentucky Libertarian Republican’s claims don’t appear to match the reality of what happened, based on multiple videos.
Sen. Paul says he and his wife left the White House and at some point instead of taking a shuttle they decided to walk several blocks to their hotel.
At 1:39 AM he posted this tweet:
Just got attacked by an angry mob of over 100, one block away from the White House. Thank you to @DCPoliceDept for literally saving our lives from a crazed mob.— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) August 28, 2020
Later, he went on “Fox & Friends,” which told viewers based on the videos it was more like about 30 people, not 100.
Paul, who all by himself for months has been holding up Senate passage of the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act – which already passed the House almost unanimously, 410-4 on February 26 – claims he and his wife could have been killed.
“They were inciting a riot and they would have killed us had the police not been there,” Paul told Fox News.
“I truly believe this with every fiber of my being, had they gotten at us they would have gotten us to the ground, we might not have been killed, might just have been injured by being kicked in the head, or kicked in the stomach until we were senseless,” he added.
And he’s pushing a literal conspiracy theory.
“I believe there are going to be people who are involved with the attack on us that actually were paid to come here, are not from Washington, D.C., and are sort of paid to be anarchists,” Paul says. “This is disturbing because really, if you’re inciting a riot that’s a crime, but if you’re paying someone to incite a riot that person needs to go to jail as well.”
Fox News adds, “the senator is still calling on the FBI to make arrests and conduct an investigation into the ‘interstate criminal traffic being paid for across state lines’ because people have already been killed in other cities.”
It does not appear Paul offered any evidence of “interstate criminal traffic being paid for across state lines.”
Let's frame this correctly from the word go here: Paul did this on purpose. Like every US Senator, he has a car service. He could have gone to his hotel in minutes. But he chose to confront a crowd, with a phalanx of Capitol police protection mind you, and provoked them. This was planned.
They yelled back at him like I would have if I had been there. And Paul is trying to turn this literally into a federal case against the people who hurt his feelings.
Rand Paul was in more danger from his Neo-Praetorian Guard than he was from the protesters. But the greater issue is that not only is he trying to impress Dear Leader, he's trying to get people arrested like the fascist he is.
It's what he is, and what he does. The Libertarian, small government act is just that, an act, an affectation. What he really wants is government power used ruthlessly against his enemies and against them alone.
That's fascism, folks.