International negotiators have until Nov. 24 under an interim agreement to reach a deal with Tehran that would curb its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief, or seek another extension of talks.
While the GOP won’t take control of the Senate until Jan.3, they are quickly making it clear they are serious about closely vetting any agreement. As the deadline approaches, Republicans fear the administration is too eager to reach a deal and could concede too much in talks.
A GOP Congress could doom what the president hopes will be a legacy foreign policy achievement.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) took to the Senate floor on Thursday to ask for unanimous consent to schedule a vote on a bill that would give Congress final approval over any deal, or else reinstate tough sanctions on Iran.
Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy (Conn.) quickly rejected the request, arguing that scheduling a vote on the deal would be "premature at this point." He said it would "send a fairly chilling message" that U.S. officials at the table with Iran did not have full authority to negotiate an agreement.
But when Republicans take control of the Senate, they could move to pass that bill, or push legislation from Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) which would reinstate sanctions if Iran violates any deal.
Their bill also pledges military support for Israel if it decides to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, which it has threatened to do.
Never forget that a ground war with Tehran has always been the final goal with the GOP, and they will get it any way they can. If the GOP is able to get enough support for the Menendez/Kirk war bill, we will be going to war with Iran, plain and simple. Our good friends in Israel will see to that. The pressure will be on to scuttle the deal and pledge US military forces to assist Israel in bombing Iran, and then all hell breaks loose.
You may not like what Obama is doing in Iraq and Syria right now. It'll be a fond memory compared to what's coming if we go to war with Iran.