I'm tired of having to find reasons to get along with people in positions of power who say things like this.
When Louisiana Judge Mike Erwin noticed a man share his seat with a black woman in crowded Baton Rouge, La., establishment Sammy’s Grill on Feb. 3, he allegedly spewed, “You should have made her get her fat nigger ass up.”
Kaneitra Johnson, a resident of Baton Rouge, shared her traumatic experience in a public Facebook post that has been shared 183 times to date. She went into even further detail with the Rouge Collection, stating:
“I’m halfway on the seat and the Lyft driver is on the other half of the seat,” Johnson said. “Then he asked for his jacket. All of a sudden I hear this older man behind me tell the Lyft driver, ‘You never give up your seat for a n*gger.’”
As Johnson and the driver sat side by side, the older man continues, “You should have made her get her fat n*gger a** up.”
Johnson says that it was only after police arrived on the scene that she learned the racist white man in question was Judge Mike Erwin of Louisiana’s 19th Judicial District Court, which covers East Baton Rouge.
Guess the price of his meal was causing economic anxiety, right?
I'm tired of this, guys. I'm tired of people asking me to forgive Trump voters and racist-ass white people in general, I'm tired of people asking me to continue to enable them through sympathy or empathy, when they have none for me or anyone who looks like me. At this point the direct result of enabling them is a regime dedicated to disenfranchising me for the rest of my natural life.
I'm not exactly too concerned with the root cause. Either by malice or by ignorance, the truly malicious are now in full control of this country again. I'm fighting for my basic civil rights now. I don't care how we got there anymore. As a black man in a blood red state I'm only interested in survival and resistance.
Everything else takes a back seat. Especially when these guys are local.
Amanda Lee says she is building an army and Ohio plays a key role in her plans.
As the national imperial commander for the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Lee predicted last week that 2017 will bring a resurgence of her group's activity - public rallies, widespread pamphlet distribution, greater recruitment efforts - and a push in several targeted states, including Ohio.
"We have people all over Ohio already. There is a large membership of Loyal White Knights there," she said in a phone interview during a dinner break from her job in North Carolina. "When things start going wrong, it's time for us to start retaliating. It's time for us to get active."
Lee said she couldn't provide membership numbers despite the fact that members of her branch of the KKK pay monthly dues - $10 a person or $15 a couple - and that it calls itself the largest KKK faction in the United States. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit organization that tracks what it calls hate and extremist groups and combats discrimination through education and litigation, has acknowledged the Loyal White Knights has a significant Ohio presence.
The Alabama-based law center said in its most-recent report that 34 such hate groups operate in Ohio, dividing them into categories, including KKK, black separatist, white nationalist, racist/skinhead, neo-Nazi and anti-LGBT. The center maps where the groups are based, including Ohio organizations such as the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement in Cleveland, the Nation of Islam in Columbus and the Supreme White Alliance in Cincinnati.
Rick Zwayer, the director of Ohio Homeland Security, said it falls to every federal, state and local law enforcement officer to monitor extremist groups and to keep an eye out for those who might want to do harm to others.
An increasing amount of organizing happens online, however, including for the world's most-visited white supremacist website, the Daily Stormer, which is run by central Ohio native Andrew Anglin. Anglin's specific whereabouts are unknown these days but, at least until recently, donations to his website were directed to a Worthington business address associated with his father.
Especially when the new regime is happily announcing that they will drop the focus on these groups now so that they can grow and thrive again.
Do not ask me to understand them again.