The Hill's Alex Bolton declares the GOP Senate primary here in Kentucky as the
GOP vs. Teabagger fight for "the direction of the party", but the
direction of the party has already been decided.
Sarah Palin, who gave her handlers headaches during the 2008 presidential campaign, isn’t making things any easier.
She has thrown her support behind Rand Paul, a favorite of anti-establishment conservatives such as and Gun Owners of America, who is running for Senate in Kentucky.
Palin waded into the race despite it being widely known among political insiders that McConnell backs Rand’s opponent, Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson.
GOP strategists in Washington believe Grayson has a much better chance of winning the general election but Palin has channeled conservatives' frustration over “go-along-to-get-along” Republicans in Washington.
Palin’s not-so-subtle challenge to McConnell’s political authority shows the overall difficulty GOP leaders have in taming the resurgent conservative base, which has made Palin and the Tea Party newly powerful political forces.
Don't believe it for a second.
That battle was decided the second Sarah Palin became a FOX drone:
Without leaving home, Sarah Palin will be able to reach much of her political base, courtesy of a soon-to-be-built television studio in her living room paid for by her newest media patron, Fox News. From her house in Wasilla, Alaska, Ms. Palin also sends missives to 1.3 million Facebook “fans,” writes newspaper columns, Tweets and signs copies of her book for donors.
There's not a single person in this state who will vote for the Democrat in Kentucky just to teach the GOP a lesson that Rand Paul is too extreme.
That's because in Kentucky, the GOP and the Teabaggers are one and the same. Grayson's a ghost walking, he just doesn't know it yet. This state already put Mitch McConnell and Jim Bunning in office as Senators, two of the most insane people in the Senate GOP caucus and that's saying something.
Hell, they are one and the same in the other 49 states too. And the longer it takes the Dems to figure this out, the more damage they will suffer in November. Don't buy this proxy battle crap. It's all to sell fascism as populism, under a cross and wearing a flag.
And you'd better believe the people in the Bluegrass State and across the nation are buying into it.
Rand Paul will fit right in.