Yeah, that makes sense. You see, there really were two million people there. What? You weren't there? Then you're part of the LIBERAL MEDIA EMPIRE that covered up the story of the year!Right-wingers are being encouraged to descend upon "liberal" media outlets in their hometowns on October 17, and protest all the unfair coverage. It's part of Operation: Can You Hear us Now, and it's a continuation of the Tea Party and heath care mini-mob madness, as activists follow the lead of their "American heroes" Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.
Reading about the plans, this part made me chuckle [emphasis added]:
Be peaceful, respectful, but let them HEAR you and SEE you. Remember, they are hard of hearing and their eyesight isn’t what it used to be the last 8 years prior. They accidentally missed 2 million people protesting in D.C. in one of the biggest protests in US History.
And this:
Maybe we cannot repeat an assembly of 2 million mad-as-hell taxpaying patriots in one place, but surely those who longed to go and couldn’t would love to be a part of Operation "Can You Hear Us Now?"
Boy, irony doesn't get much thicker than this, does it? Right-wingers are going to protest "liberal" media outlets for being unfair and unprofessional. For being blind to the truth! And how do `wingers know the news orgs aren't fair? Because they "missed" the anti-Obama rally where "2 million" people were protesting in D.C.
There were two million people there because the Wingers believe there were two million people there, and anyone else is part of the con. Who are you going to trust, the media or your lying eyes?
The cool part is they already have an excuse for explaining away the not two million people attacking local LIBERAL MEDIA outlets...the media's covering it up, you see.