Taken together, the catalog of capitulations is breathtaking: spot inspections, disclosure of previous nuclear activity, gradual sanctions relief, retention of nonnuclear sanctions.
What’s left? A surrender document of the kind offered by defeated nations suing for peace. Consider: The strongest military and economic power on earth, backed by the five other major powers, armed with what had been a crushing sanctions regime, is about to sign the worst international agreement in U.S. diplomatic history.
How did it come to this? With every concession, Obama and Kerry made clear they were desperate for a deal.
And they will get it. Obama will get his “legacy.” Kerry will get his Nobel. And Iran will get the bomb.
Sure. Just like we had to go to war to prevent Saddam Hussein from getting the bomb, remember that?
It would be funny except for the fact that he's remained gainfully employed by the Washington Post despite a 13 year track record of idiocy about foreign policy. None of Krauthammer's dire predictions came true about Iraq, and none of the benefits of invasion were ever found. Hell, more than a dozen years later we're still dealing with the aftermath.
Invading Iraq was the greatest diplomatic mistake of our time, and Krauthammer used his position to push for it.
Why would anyone listen to this fool now?