As the U.S. and China inch closer to an all-out trade war, Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton says that the sacrifice Americans will pay for President Trump's tariffs are "minimal" compared to those serving overseas. President Trump has maintained that Americans would not be fronting the brunt of the cost for tariffs, but many, including the president's own economic adviser, say they will.
"There will be some sacrifices on the part of Americans, I grant you that, but I also would say that sacrifice is pretty minimal compared to the sacrifices that our soldiers make overseas that are fallen heroes that are laid to rest in Arlington make," Cotton told "CBS This Morning" when asked about the impact of tariffs on farmers in his own state of Arkansas.
Cotton, the author of "Sacred Duty: A Soldier's Tour at Arlington National Cemetery," said that in the long term, the goal is to make sure that the U.S. "remains preeminent as a global super power both in the economic and the security" worlds.
The price tag for that "preeminence" on the average American family, according to trade experts falls between $700 to $1,000.
"If we remain the world's largest economy and the world's largest economic super power in the short term, I say it is worth that cost," said Cotton.
Enjoy your Trump Patriotic Trade Tax and pay it proudly, citizen! This money will go to...something. I'm sure. But this is the price of your freedom, so pay up. And keep paying up because Leader Trump says so. You're a real American, aren't you?
Your grandfather died fighting socialists so that you could have freedom but freedom comes with a price, which is roughly $1000 in extra costs for goods this year so quit whining, liberal!
Tariffs for some, tiny American flags for others!
Trump meanwhile wants more money going to farmers because they are getting wrecked by his policies, but it's okay if the rest of us buy them off because Trump Patriotic Trade Tax.
President Donald Trump is seeking an additional $15 billion in U.S. subsidies in an effort to protect farmers from the devastating impact of his trade war with China. That’s on top of $12 billion already earmarked for the farmers to help them weather the fallout.
That would be an additional bill for U.S. taxpayers already shouldering the cost of increased tariffs in the form of higher costs for products and parts from China.
Trump revealed the subsidy figure in a tweet Friday. He suggested the government use the funds to buy agricultural products to ship to other nations for humanitarian aid, though setting up such a system would be extremely complicated. In his most recent budget proposal, Trump proposed eliminating three food aid programs, Politico noted.
The president appeared to dismiss the impact of the cost as he falsely claimed — again — that “massive” tariff payments are being paid by China “directly” to the U.S. Treasury, which would presumably be used to cover the cost of the subsidy. There is “absolutely no need to rush” to negotiate a deal with China, he tweeted.
In fact, the tariffs are paid by U.S. importers, who pass on the extra costs to the American consumer in the form of higher prices for products, a fact White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow admitted Sunday. Economists have estimated that the trade war is costing the U.S. more than $3 billion a month.
So who's protecting the American consumer from Trump's trade war?
Nobody. Now go do your patriotic duty and pay that tariff.