To put it simply, the first group of lines is employment under President Bush's first term, and the second is employment under President Obama's first term. Blue is state government employment, Green is federal government employment, and Red is private sector employment, indexed to 100 being Inauguration Day for each President.
Bush added 4% to state employees and 5% to federal employees. His total private unemployment lost a percentage point, to about 99% of what it was. But that was considered the "Bush Jobs Boom". He grew government employment at a massive clip hiring for the Department of Homeland Security and for the military after 9/11, but lost private sector jobs across the board.
Obama on the other hand? We've seen cuts of 2.5% to state workers and 3.5% federal workers. Obama shrank the number of government employees. He also presided over a rebound in private sector jobs to where they were on Inauguration Day, and those numbers are now improving. This is considered the "Obama Jobs Depression".
President Obama is doing exactly what Republicans say we should be doing: cutting government workers and concentrating on the private sector for hiring. President Bush actually did what President Obama has been accused of doing: massive Socialist government job hiring and "crony capitalism".
These numbers are the reality. Obama is doing exactly what the Republicans say we need to be doing, but they're attacking him and lying about his record anyway, because Republicans are liars. It's what they do.