Monday, October 12, 2009

The Shiny Object Strategy

Betty Cracker over at Rumproast makes this catch from Bill Maher from Friday's Real Time on winning the health care debate:

Bottom line: Hey Obama, repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Suddenly, health care will no longer be the issue for the Wingers. They'll drop opposition to the public option and go straight for stopping THE GHEY. While they're busy with that, pass Obamacare.

And frankly, it's brilliant. Betty games it out:
The teabag demo is already prejudiced against LGBT equality and will eagerly pounce on any moves toward advancing it. But there’s no real corporate motivation to massively fund an effort to stymie LGBT equality initiatives. As Maher points out, a well-timed repeal of DADT could suck all the oxygen out of the anti-health reform movement by giving the lemmings who underpin it a shinier object on which to focus. And it’s the right thing to do into the bargain.
It's win-win-win for Obama, America, and civil rights. I say swing for the fences. The Wingers will drown in their own rabid froth.

That's change I can sure as hell believe in.
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