Thursday, April 2, 2009

Free Advice For The GOP

Stop having press events on Wednesday nights.
Once in a great while, there are key turning points in a policy debate. This might be one of them.

GOP Whip Eric Cantor ... accused Democrats of "overreacting" to the economic crisis by embarking on a federal spending spree.

The Virginia Republican, speaking to reporters at the Christian Science Monitor breakfast Thursday morning, praised Rush Limbaugh for his "ideas" and for avoiding the Democratic error of "overreacting, as they often will, to crisis."

He went on to criticize Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's recent statement that the biggest danger was "doing too little" to deal with the meltdown.

"Doing too much has huge, huge pitfalls as well," he said.

This explains quite a bit. Why have Republicans refused to take the economic crisis seriously? Why have they offered the same tired, failed economic ideas they've been spouting for decades?

They don't know any better, and the next morning at 8:30 AM Eastern, they get the crap kicked out of any credibility they've gained in the week with the weekly unemployment numbers showing that the Republican plan of "let the economy fix itself" is a sick joke.

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